Saturday, February 18, 2012

Leviathan and his Abyss

There has been much conjecture over the identity found within the Bible who is named Leviathan. The Organization of "Jehovah's Witnesses"  has defined it as an Egyptian crocodile. Some have even explained Leviathan as "Nellie" the "loch ness Monster".
According to the "Watchtower" (;
"The description of “Leviathan” at Job 41:1-34 aptly fits the crocodile, and the “sea” of Job 41 verse 31 may refer to a river such as the Nile or another body of fresh water. It should be noted, however, that some crocodiles, as the Nile crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus), are found along the seacoast and at times go out into the sea some distance from land."

Is Leviathan a crocodile? Let's look to the scriptures to see what God's Word tells us about Leviathan.

Isa.27:1 reads:
"In that day, the LORD will punish with his sword, his fierce, great and powerful sword, Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the crooked serpent; he will slay the monster of the sea."
  (Isa.27:1; Rev.2:16; Heb.4:12John 12:48; Gen.3:15; Heb.2:14; Rev.12:7-8)

At Isa.27:1 we learn that this cold-blooded reptile is going to be "punished" by the will of God, that it is a "serpent", and that this "monster" belongs to the "sea" (Isa.57:20).
We must ask ourselves...
If Leviathan is one of the natural creatures of the earth; why does God deem it worthy of punishment? He Himself declared all such creatures, "very good" (Gen.1:20-21).
Is Leviathan a natural creature at all?

Psalm 74:12-14 reads:
"But God is my King from long ago;
    he brings salvation on the earth.
It was you who split open the sea by your power....
       (Ps.78:13; Jer.16:14-15; Matt.17:11; Acts 3:21;
        Isa.58:8-9; 62:1; 60:12Pet.1:19; Rev.2:28) broke the heads of the monster in the waters.
It was you who crushed the heads of Leviathan
    and gave it as food to the creatures of the wilderness."

I don't know of any crocodiles,
nor any other natural creature that has more than one head.
As we have seen so far, the correct and scriptural  interpretation of Leviathan, must include that the creature is deserving of punishment, and is to have its "heads" "crushed" by the will of God;
And that Leviathan has multiple heads.
As ferocious as crocodiles are, they only have, one head.....


It is scripturally definitive, that Leviathan is not a natural creature (all of which, have one head).
The interpretation that Leviathan is an Egyptian crocodile, is plainly false.

Since the description of Leviathan at Isa.27:1 calls Leviathan a "serpent"; this reminds us of Satan (Rev.20:2).
 But if "Leviathan" (Hebrew לִוְיָתָן, meaning: Crooked, twisted, perverse) really is Satan;
Then Satan himself must possess "crooked and twisted" traits, in order for this alternate name to suit him.

Does Satan have "heads" (Rev.12:3)? Is he a "serpent" (Rev.12:9; 20:2)? Does he deserve to be punished? (2Cor.4:4; Eph.2:2; Heb.2:141John 3:8Rev.12:9,17John 12:31; 16:11)? Are Satan's heads going to be "crushed" by God? (Gen.3:15; Rom.16:20).
Is he associated with "crooked and twisted" traits?

Children imitate their fathers. The bible calls God the father of some (Matt.5:48), and Satan the father of others (John 8:44). We know that this is speaking of spiritual and not physical fathers. We become "seed"/"children"/"sons" of those whom we imitate, and do the will of (3John 1:111Cor.11:1; Eph.5:11Peter 2:21; 1:231John 5:18-19; 2:13-14). In the same way, the traits of fathers can be identified by the behavior of their own seed (John 15:8; Matt.5:16; 9:8; John 8:31; 13:351John 4:8). In this way, we have the power to choose our spiritual fathers, through imitation and subjection. 
(Matt.10:25; Phil.2:15; James 1:17; John 8:39,44; Heb.6:12; Rom.6:16; Prov.4:20)
We do read, that Satan's seed is a "crooked and twisted generation" 
That word "generation", is associated with spawn. A "generation" is all the seed which results from the same source. This Bible definition differs from the typical modern English definition of "generation", which is thought to be one line of descent and to exist in relation to a period of time. Not so with the Greek meaning. According to the Greek, a "generation" are all seed which bear the same identifying traits, and which share a common source. The meaning complies with it's root, "generate".
gen·er·ate  (jn-rt)
tr.v. gen·er·at·edgen·er·at·inggen·er·ates
a. To bring into being; give rise to: generate a discussion.
b. To produce as a result of a chemical or physical process: generate heat.
2. To engender (offspring); procreate.
[Latin generre, genert-, to produce, from genus, gener-, birth; see gen- in Indo-European roots.]


  1. Cause (something, esp. an emotion or situation) to arise or come about: "generate more jobs in the economy".
  2. Produce (energy, esp. electricity).
produce - create - engender - breed - beget - cause

According to the scriptures, one can be generated/begotten/produced by Holy Spirit, or by the sinful Flesh....
sons of light, or sons of darkness (1Thess.5:5,8; Acts 26:181John 2:8)....
sons of day or sons of night....
sons of God (and the "reconcilliation"/"new creation"), ... (Acts 3:21; Rom.5:10; 8:1,18-25; 11:152Cor. 5:17-19,20-21; Eph.2:13-17; Col.1:15-21; Eph.2:101Pet. 1:231Cor. 5:7; Eze.36:24-27)
or sons of  "Destruction" (meaning of Abaddon, Apollyon -Rev.9:11) (2Thess.2:3-4; Rev.9:3; 13:1)
sons of a mother covenant of life (Gal.4:26,24; Rev.12:5),
or a mother covenant of death (Rev.17:5; Isa.28:15)...
sons of a straight path (Prov.8:8; 4:26; 15:21; 3:6; Ps.27:11; 119:104,163; 5:8; Isa.26:7; Heb.12:13; Matt.7:14Luke 9:62John 1:23; 14:62Pet. 2:15Luke 3:5  --all these verses originally contain the word for "straight"),
or sons of a crooked and twisted path (Lam.3:9; Prov.10:9; 2:15; 17:20; 19:1; 22:5; 28:18; Jer.3:21; Ps.78:57 --all these verses contain "crooked" and "twisted" in the original language. This is the very meaning of the name "Leviathan".  

By these traits, seed become known, as well as who the fathers are who generated them.
The seed of Satan are called "crooked and twisted" (Deut.32:5; Phil.2:15).
This is convincing Bible evidence that Leviathan, (which means "crooked and twisted"), is a descriptive name for the father of that "crooked and twisted generation", Satan. His generation/seed (Gen.3:15John 8:44) follow a crooked path of deception, which leads to destruction (John 17:122Thess. 2:3).

We see it is reasonable and scriptural to believe that Leviathan is one descriptive identity of Satan. We can also see that descriptions of Leviathan are related to the "Serpent"/(some translate as "Dragon" in the Book of Revelation (Rev.12:3,17; 13:1,4; 16:13). Therefore, we should be interested in learning all we can about "Leviathan", so that we can know our enemy better, and are not ignorant of Satan's end-time tactics (2Cor. 2:11; 11:31Pet. 5:8).
As accurately depicted in the illustration below, Leviathan is described as being Lord of the "sea" (Isa.27:1; Ps.104:26; Eze.29:3,9; 32:2; Job 41:1,34; Rev.9:11; all of Job 31). Just as Leviathan is a illustration to aid our too is the "sea"/Gentiles/Nations, over which Satan is Lord. We depend upon these insights, to understand the Book of Revelation (Isa.57:20; 60:5; 17:12; 51:9,10; 63:12,13; Eze.32:2; 26:19; 47:8; Dan.7:2-3; 11:45; Amos 5:8; 9:3; Nahum 1:4; Hab.1:14; Hab.3:8,15; Zeph.1:3; Zech.9:4; 10:11; Matt.8:27; 13:47; 14:25; 21:21; James 1:6; Jude 1:13) (Rev.7:2-3; 8:8-9; 10:2,5-6,8; 12:12; 13:1; 16:3; 18:17,19,21; 20:13; 21:1)


The Organization, and even some anointed who have been expelled and claim to be prophets, declare that the "abyss"/"sea", is merely "a place of inactivity". If we believe this, we miss all the understanding and warnings, which the scriptures reveal about this's location, power, leader, purpose, and effect over the remaining ones of the woman's seed.
The scriptures equate the terms "sea" "deep", "pit" and "abyss", so that we might gain understanding of all the parables and symbols related to these terms.
Eze.28:8; 27:26-27; 26:12; Ps.55:23; 42:7; Jonah 2:3,5; Job 38:16; 28:14; Isa.14:15; 38:17-18; Rev.11:7; 17:8; 13:1; 9:1,3,11)    (Luke 16:262Thess. 2:11-12)
The scriptures at Rev.9:1-3,11 and Rev.13:1 are very important as viewed together.
Rev.9:2-3 describe the locust-scorpions as arising from the "abyss", while in the midst of the "smoke" which also arises up from it. Rev.11:7 reveals that the Wild Beast comes from this same abyss. The Wild Beast and the locust-scorpions have the same source (the "abyss"). The Wild Beast is also said to be sourced from the "sea" (Rev.13:1). We know from our new understanding of Leviathan's true identity and Rev.13:1, that Satan is over the "sea". If he is over the source of the Wild Beast (Rev.13:1), and that source is also the abyss (Rev.11:7); then Satan is also over the abyss (Rev.9:11; Heb.2:14)!
  This may seem a simple deduction to some, but it is a strongly entrenched "Watchtower" doctrine, which asserts that Rev.9:11 is speaking of Jesus Christ; and that the locust-scorpions are the anointed.
I hope that the scriptural interpretations I have presented here, are successful in helping readers to discard these lethal wormwood lies (Rev.8:10-11; 9:1,11; Eze.32:234:18-19).
For more scriptural proof of these things, please consider
 ( )

One can be a prisoner of the abyss/under the covenant of death, even while physically alive. This is true of those in subjection to agents of the abyss (locust-scorpions, the Great Harlot, the false prophet, or Wild Beast) as a discipline for their error (Rev.9:2,3,4,5,10; 13:10; Ps.118:18; 9:13; 56:13; 88:6; 116:8; 107:10; 86:13; Jer.13:16; 30:8) Yet he rescues those who accept that discipline and repent (Isa.38:17; Jonah 2:2,6; Job 33:24; Ps.30:3; 40:1-2; Micah 7:191Pet. 5:102Cor. 4:17), not permanently abandoning them to the abyss (these are those "taken" versus "abandoned" Matt.24:40).
(See LINK-1 and LINK-2)
What do these fresh understandings have to do with saving the "woman" from Satan's deceptions? (Rev.12)
At Rev.12:17, it reads;
"So the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus."
There are no chapters and verses in the original scroll. This verse originally ran right into the next few of chapter 13, as follows:
"So the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. (The dragon) stood still upon the sands of the sea. And I saw, rising out of the sea, a beast with ten horns and seven heads. On his ten horns were ten crowns and on his heads were written blasphemous names.... And to the beast the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority." (Rev.12:17; 13:1,2)

  We are able to see clearly here, that Satan conjures up this Wild Beast in his rage against the anointed. He is the source/father of the Wild Beast from the sea/abyss (Rev.13:1; 11:7).
We need to apply this clarity to Rev.9:1,2,3,11.
If we know that the "Wild Beast" comes from the "abyss/sea", then we know that the locust/scorpions come from the same place. If we know that the Wild Beast is from Satan's/Leviathan's realm of the sea; then we know that Satan is also over the abyss, and is it's "king"...the "angel of the abyss" (Rev.9:11), NOT JESUS CHRIST, as the Organization and others would have us believe.

If we know that the Abyss is also the pit, Hades, "sea", and Sheol (Prov.15:11; Job 26:6; Prov.27:20; 30:16; Isa.5:14; 14:9,11; Hab.2:5; Rom.10:7; 8:11) (Rom.10:7 Greek- "abyss")
then we know that those inside it, are in a covenant with death,
are creatures of the lying waters/smoke that come from this "sea",
and that those that arise up from within it's womb, are agents/messengers/angels, of death...
sons of destruction/Abaddon/Apollyon (2Thess.2:3; Rev.9:11,3; 11:7; 13:1)  

Those marked as slaves to those agents (Rev.13:16,7; 9:4,5,10; Rev.16:2; 13:17,18, are under the Covenant with Death (Isa.28:14,15,18,17,19; Eze.26:3; Jer.51:42). The name of that mother covenant of death, is "Babylon the Great" (Rev.17:5; 18:4).
(Pertinent articles LINK)
Those under that covenant, though physically alive, are considered by God, spiritually dead (1Tim. 5:6; Luke 15:24; Gen.2:17; Rev.3:2,1) and belong to Satan's "sea" and the "pit" of the "abyss" (Rom.5:12). The only way to life is repentance, removal of the Beast's marks (mastery over you), and subjection to Christ and God as King (Luke 10:13; Rev.11:3; 5:131John 3:8).
Regarding Rev.17:5...remember...the name on your forehead is not your own (Rev.14:1; 13:16; 22:4) but belongs to your owner, mother covenant, or father (Rev.3:12; Gal.4:26)...whoever owns you as a servant/slave (1Cor. 7:23). ( (LINK)


Ps.88:6; 86:13; Jonah 2:3-61Thess. 1:10; Isa.38:17; Heb.5:8; Zech.13:9; Mal.3:2,3; Ps.25:4; 30:3; 16:10; Job.33:18-241Cor. 3:13; Rev.6:17; Ps.76:7; Mal.4:1,2;

below are my personal notes, and are not a part of what is ready for publishing.
There is some interesting commentary from various sources included.
I thought the references might help to clarify some things.

Acts 2:27,31; 13:35; Rom.10:7,9,11; Isa.5:14; 51:9  Ezek.32
Eze.29:3; 34:19; 47:8,9,10; 9:3; Amos 9:3; Psalm 104:26; 74:14; Job 3:8; 26:13; 41:1,32; Jer.46:22

Coiled: 2Sam. 22:6; Psalm 18:5
Glides: Prov.23:31; Job 4:15; Heb.2:1 (lest we glide aside); Deut.32:24 (send upon them the poison of gliding things of the dust) Job.41:32; Luke 10:19; 11:11-13

Attention has been called elsewhere to the meagerness, in the matter of detail, of Old Testament demonology (see DEMON, DEMONOLOGY; COMMUNION WITH DEMONS).  We have the following set of items in which such traces have been discovered: "Rahab" (rachabh--Rachabh " : Meaning " to be wide or spacious "rachabh, "spacious place". Hence the meanings: (1) primeval waters; (2) the waters beneath the earth; (3) the upper seas and rivers; (4) the abode of the dead, limbo; (5) the abode of the evil spiritshell. The last two meanings are the only ones found in the New Testament.),

Abyss - BibleWiki
Dec 26, 2008 – Abyss is primarily and classically an adjective, meaning deep, very deep ... "sea-deep", culah, "deep flood", and rachabh, "spacious place".

mentioned in Job 9:13; Job 26:12Isaiah 51:9;

"Tanin" (tannin), Isaiah 27:1;
Fountain of the Dragon (tannin) which Nehemias came to when he went out of the city by the western gate (D.V., "dragon fountain", Nehemiah 2:13). Josephus calls it the Pool of the Serpent (Bell. Jud., V, iii, 2); the Hebrew tannin simplifies both "dragon" and "serpent". This valley is called by the natives Wadi Rababi; in the Bible it goes by the name of Ge Hinnom, or Ge Ben Hinnom, "Valley of Ennom" (in A.V., Hinnom) or "of the son of Ennom"-an unknown personage 

"Leviathan" (liwyathan), Job 3:8 Psalm 74:14 Isaiah 27:1 Ezekiel 29:3 Job 41

 passim; the "serpent in the sea," in Amos 9:3;

"Seirim" (se`irim), 2 Chronicles 11:15 Leviticus 17:7 2 Kings 23:8; Isaiah 13:21; Rev.18:2; Isaiah 34:14; Matt.12:43,44,452Pet. 2:20; Heb.10:26; Eze.33:13

  1. Meet The Se'irim - Diabolical Confusions
    Nov 14, 2011 – These are called Se'irim, literally meaning “hairy beasts” or “goats”, the word is intended to denote a feral, bestial chimera pulled from some .
  2. Demons in the Bible. The demons mentioned in the Bible are of two classes, the "se'irim" and the "shedim." The se'irim ("hairy beings"), to which the Israelites sacrificed in the open fields (Lev. xvii. 7; A. V. "devils"; R. V., incorrectly, "he-goats"), are satyr-like demons, described as dancing in the wilderness (Isa. xiii. 21, xxxiv. 14; compare Maimonides, "Moreh," iii. 46; Vergil's "Eclogues," v. 73, "saltantes satyri"), and are identical with the jinn of the Arabian woods and deserts (see Wellhausen, l.c., and Smith, l.c.). To the same class belongs Azazel, the goat-like demon of the wilderness (Lev. xvi. 10 et seq.), probably the chief of the se'irim, and Lilith (Isa. xxxiv. 14). Possibly "the roes and hinds of the field," by which Shulamit conjures the daughters of Jerusalem to bring her back to her lover (Cant. ii. 7, iii. 5), are faunlike spirits similar to the se'irim, though of a harmless nature. The  (Job v. 23. A. V. "stones of the field"), with which the righteous are said to be in league—obviously identical with, if not a corruption of, the  (Mishnah Kil. viii. 5), explained in Yer. Kil. 31c as  "a fabulous mountain-man drawing nourishment from the ground" (see Jastrow, "Dict.," and Levy, "Neuhebr. Wörterb." s.v. )—seem to be field-demons of the same nature. The wilderness as the home of demons was regarded as the place whence such diseases as leprosy issued, and in cases of leprosy one of the birds set apart to be offered as an expiatory sacrifice was released that it might carry the disease back to the desert (Lev. xiv. 7, 52; compare a similar rite in Sayce, "Hibbert Lectures," 1887, p. 461, and "Zeit. für Assyr." 1902, p. 149).
  3. The Israelites also offered sacrifices to the shedim (Deut. xxxii. 17; Ps. cvi. 37). The name  (believed by Hoffmann, "Hiob," 1891, to occur in Job v. 21), for a long time erroneously connected with "the Almighty" (), denotes a storm-demon (from , Isa. xiii. 6; A. V. "destruction"; compare Psxci. 6, , "that stormeth about"; A. V. "that wasteth"). In Chaldean mythology the seven evil deities were known as "shedim," storm-demons, represented in ox-like form; and because these oxcolossi representing evil demons were, by a peculiar law of contrast, used also as protective genii of royal palaces and the like, the name "shed" assumed also the meaning of a propitious genius in Babylonian magic literature (see Delitzsch, "Assyrisches Handwörterb." pp. 60, 253, 261, 646; Jensen, "Assyr.-Babyl. Mythen und Epen," 1900, p. 453; Sayce, l.c. pp. 441, 450, 463; Lenormant, l.c. pp. 48-51). It was from Chaldea that the name "shedim" = evil demons came to the Israelites, and so the sacred writers in tentionally applied the word in a dyslogistic sense to the Canaanite deities 'in the two passages quoted. But they also spoke of "the destroyer" () Ex. xii. 23) as a demon whose malignant effect upon the houses of the Israelites was to be warded off by the blood of the paschal sacrifice sprinkled upon the lintel and the door-post (a corresponding pagan talisman is mentioned in Isa. lvii. 8). In II Sam. xxiv; 16 and II Chron. xxi. 15 the pestilence-dealing demon is called = "the destroying angel" (compare "the angel of the Lord" in II Kings xix. 35; Isa. xxxvii. 36), because, although they are demons, these "evil messengers" (Ps. lxxviii. 49; A. V. "evil angels") do only the bidding of God, their Master; they are the agents of His divine wrath.

 "Alukah" (`aluqah), Proverbs 30:15; "Azazel (`aza'zel) Leviticus 16:8, 10, 26 "Lilith" (ut sup.), Isaiah 34:14, 15.'Alukah (Prov. xxx. 15; A. V. "horseleech"), the bloodsucker or vampire, whose two daughters cry "Give! Give!" is none other than the flesh-devouring ghoul of the Arabs, called by them "'aluḳ" (Wellhausen, l.c. pp. 135-137). She has been rendered in Jewish mythology the demon of the nether world (=  see 'Ab. Zarah 17a), and the names of her two daughters have in all probability, as familiar names of dreaded diseases, been dropped (originally the death-dealing sting of the midsummer sun-god Nergal (see Roscher, l.c. iii. 257), and Keṭeb ("smiter"), the deadly hot wind (Deut. xxxii. 24; Isa. xxviii. 2; A. V. "destruction," "destroying"), are demons, the one walking in darkness, the other storming along in midday (A. V. "that wasteth at noonday")

A review of these passages brings certain very interesting facts to light.

1. Paucity of References:

The references are few in number. Rahab is mentioned 3 times; Tannin (in this connection), once; Leviathan, 5 times; the serpent in the sea, once; Seirim, 5 times (twice with references to idols); Alukah, once; Azazel, 3 times in one chapter and in the same connection; Lilith, once (Night Monster).
The term se`ir is in literal use for "he-goat" (Numbers 15:24, et al.) and is doubtful throughout. Ewald translates it "he-goat" in Isaiah 34:14 and "Satyr" in 13:21. It means literally "shaggy monster" (Vulgate, pilosus). We do not hesitate on the basis of the evidence to erase "Alukah" (Proverbs 30:15, the Revised Version (British and American) "horse-leech," by some translated "vampire") and "Azazel" (Leviticus 16:8, etc.), interpreted as a "demon of the desert," from the list of mythological words altogether. As ripe a scholar as Perowne ("Proverbs," Cambridge Bible) combats the idea of vampire, and Kellogg ("Leviticus," Expositor's Bible, in the place cited.) has simply put to rout the mythological-demonic interpretation of Azazel. According to The Expositior's Bible Commentary, Azazel is the Hebrew word for scapegoat....a goat to go away.
Even in the case of lilith the derivation is obscure, and the objections urged against the demonic idea by Alexander have not altogether lost their force (see Commentary on Isaiah, in the place cited.). There is a close balance of probabilities in one direction or the other.

5. The Term Lilith:

Lilith Lilith

Whether the Hebrew name Lilith is a Biblical name is a matter of debate. The word Lilith occurs only once in the Bible, in a sermon by Isaiah to warn the nations (and Edom specifically) what their countries were going to look like if they didn't shape up: 

"And the dessert creatures (demons) shall meet with the wolves (false prophets Rev.16:13,14,15,16). The hairy goat also shall cry to its kind. Yes, Lilith shall settle there and shall find herself a resting place" (Isaiah 34:14)  Matt.12:43,44,45; Zech.5:7,8,9,10,11